Burdened and Weary

Burdened and Weary

I was burdened and weary, knowing I wasn’t following God. And that’s why I begged Him to help me find the way that led to Him. I thank God that He answered me. He showed me that good path through Jesus the Messiah

My name is Walet. I’m Tuareg from Niger. When I didn’t know Jesus yet, I led a riotous life. I did a lot of bad things. I kept bad company. With my friends we drifted from place to place, we slept around. Sure, I said I was Muslim, but I didn’t pray – either to God or the devil. I knew nothing of God, I didn’t fear Him, I just did whatever I wanted to do.

At that time I was a singer in a music group. Aroudeyni, with whom I live at the moment, was the leader. He’s a Christian. Every day, he would speak to me about Jesus, but I would laugh and tell him that they call themselves Christians and they follow the infidels, Muslims don’t attribute much importance to Jesus.

We went on a tour in Ghana. During that trip, I saw who he was, and carefully observed what he did. On our return, after a rehearsal, he invited me to his church. I honored the invitation, and it’s there that I also accepted Jesus into my life. But it wasn’t sincere.

At the same time I was surprised at how I came to be in such a place. Something powerful must have pushed me to enter a church, and even to accept Jesus. No, I must be dreaming! It was like that for a while. Until I came to a personal conviction that there was no other way than Christ. The moment I accepted Jesus, my whole life was transformed. I felt an unusual lightness, an unprecedented assurance, incomparable joy.

Before I was converted, I knew I was a sinner, who did nothing good and my deeds didn’t please God. But now, everything’s different. Since I accepted Jesus, what I see in my life, what I experience, the assurance in me, it all moves me to say that undoubtedly, Jesus is the truth.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

Since it’s the truth, he who really wants to follow God, needs to come to Jesus. He who follows Him will know there’s no better way of salvation than He.

Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it…” Matthew 16:24,25

Jesus is the way, the truth. He gives rest for your soul. Even the worst of sinners, murderer or not, if he follows Him, will know that He is the only way. He who doesn’t follow Him is in great danger.

In spite of all the bad things you did while living, it suffices to know Jesus to be forgiven of all your sins. Know God, fear Him and He will bring the Holy Spirit down upon you. You will fear God more. You will obtain mercy and love.

Blessed and worthy of praise be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. Ephesians 1:3,4

All unrighteousness will be removed from your heart which will become white like “goat’s milk”. It will be filled with the reverence of God, love for your neighbor, and of His will. You’ll no longer want to do what displeases Him. No, you’ll be troubled if you do that. The way is difficult and Satan, without doubt, exists. No-one can resist him, other than Jesus. Only Jesus defeated him, and allows the believer to be victorious and abstain from doing what displeases God. It’s in Him alone that it’s possible to avoid evil and overcome Satan.

You will know inside that you’re reconciled with God, there’s no more chasm between the two of you. You’ll find that joy inside, and will abandon those things that God hates. To your surprise, those things will no longer dominate you. God will help you. You’ll see, incredible but true, that you will be profoundly transformed. Because inside of you there’s a new person. How to explain, words fail me, I don’t know how to express it. Something in you, soft and warm, which transforms you completely, so that even if you soul fell into darkness, light will shine and bring you out. Your greatest desire will be to follow God’s way. You’ll be motivated, no longer to do what you please, but to do everything for the glory of Christ.

There’s also something I’d like to draw your attention, you my friends, relatives and all you Tuaregs. The path of Jesus is the only one leading to God. There is no other. It’s the work of God, and of Jesus working in you, without which you can’t even get a glimpse of Him. You who, up to now, have not trusted in Him, realise that you’re living in emptiness, in a mist without substance. Seek Him and know Him while He may be found. That way, you will know the perfect truth that I’m telling you about.

Jesus says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7,8

That way, you will know the perfect truth that I’m telling you about.

Now, for anyone who desires eternal life, anyone who desires to fear God with all his heart, don’t go complicating things, only Jesus can bring you to the true God. It’s He alone, and no other. There’s no other way! You will have that reverence for God, you will confess Him before all.

And that’s my appeal to each one of you, friends and relatives. Follow Jesus, He is the way, the truth and the life. After all your impossible aspirations in the world, just look to Jesus, He will come to help you, without reproach, and no accusations. He will come to you in calm and silence, and with joy in your heart. For me, there’s no religion better than that of Jesus. No certainly not. Let me tell you that the way of Jesus is incomparable. So I invite you to follow Him.